This week it was time for a change on the commission front. Recently I have tended to be painting favourite pets and favourite places, but then my friend Janis commissioned a painting of his favourite two wild animals, a lion and a tiger.

Well, I am hopeful that he doesn’t have live ones stashed in the back garden! I decided to post the painting to him, just in case! Travel restrictions did play their part too.

Next on the list was a pet portrait of a horse for a 21st birthday present.

More of that later ... it’s a surprise!

The focus this week is work on my memoir, with a change in focus towards more of a professional confessional genre, following a helpful discussion with a lovely literary agent. It seems that is likely to have more commercial appeal.

The challenge is trying to achieve the balance between interesting stories, destigmatisation of mental illness and the human element. Sensationalist journalism can be so damaging.

I hope is to change attitudes towards mentally disordered offenders by offering a window to my unique world and the people within it. I sense a major rewrite in prospect, but perhaps quite fortuitously I have quite a bit of time on my hands due to lockdown and social isolation.

I am pleased to report that Strathcarron hospice are planning to have my snowdrop design cards printed for use in their 40th anniversary celebration fundraising this year.

All the profits will go to the charity, with funds much needed due to the current constraints on fundraising experienced by all charities during the pandemic. It is nice to be able to use my skills for the greater good.

Sales of the charity crocus cards for Rotary’s End Polio Now campaign is ongoing too. As a Rotary guest speaker, I have regular opportunities to raise the profile and sell cards which is great.

The worldwide campaign started by Rotary International has eradicated more than 99 % of Polio throughout the world so far. It is great to play my part in such a worthwhile cause.

Stay safe everyone.
